
What is ArbiterLive?

ArbiterLive is a sports management software that allows for seamless scheduling, communication, and management of athletic events. This innovative platform has revolutionized the way sports organizations function, providing a centralized hub for coaches, referees, and administrators to coordinate and plan games.

Features of ArbiterLive

ArbiterLive offers a wide array of features that have made it the go-to sports management software for organizations across the globe. Some of its most notable features include:
- Schedule Management: ArbiterLive allows coaches and administrators to create and manage schedules with ease. This ensures that everyone involved in a game is aware of the date, time, and location of the event.
- Communication: The platform enables seamless communication between coaches, referees, and administrators. This allows for quick and efficient resolution of any issues that may arise before, during, or after a game.
- Payment Processing: ArbiterLive makes payment processing a breeze, allowing administrators to easily pay referees and other staff members in a timely manner.
- Data Analytics: The platform provides in-depth data analytics, allowing administrators to gain valuable insights into game attendance, team performance, and more.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How much does ArbiterLive cost? A: The cost of ArbiterLive varies depending on the size of the organization and the features required. Contact the ArbiterLive team for more information.
Q: Is ArbiterLive compatible with mobile devices? A: Yes, ArbiterLive is compatible with mobile devices, allowing coaches and administrators to access the platform on-the-go.
Q: Can ArbiterLive be customized to meet specific organizational needs? A: Yes, ArbiterLive can be customized to meet the specific needs of an organization, ensuring that it functions seamlessly with existing systems.


ArbiterLive has transformed the sports management industry, providing organizations with a centralized platform for scheduling, communication, and management. With its innovative features and customizable options, ArbiterLive is the perfect solution for any sports organization looking to streamline its operations and improve its overall efficiency.